These are set and enforced by the moderators.
Do not insult others' personal identities and do not make derogatory or dismissing statements about marginalized demographics. This applies to jokes about marginalized demographics you don't belong to.
MAPs of any contact stance are allowed to join, but pro contact and pro c-leaning views should not be promoted. Contact discourse can happen on a cross-instance basis. This rule does not apply to contact discourse around other paraphilias.
Respect boundaries of other members. Do not behave aggressively towards them (suicide baiting, mockery, gaslighting), do not share what they said with people outside of map fediverse without explicit permission.
Posting NSFW images is not allowed. NSFW topics can be discussed (jokes, educational questions, etc). The requirements are that the post is impersonal (no suggestive conversations between members, no explicit fantasies), content warnings are added, and the post setting are set to "followers only".
Do not approach chronological children and young teens with relationship intentions, on site or offsite, and do not accept their advances, unless you are their chronological peer. But if you're struggling with your behavior and realize you need help, it's safe to reach out, and we'll do our best.
Don't post, solicit, or advertise child sexual abuse images. Also, don't post non-abusive and casual images of real life children, even if that's your own childhood photos.
If you are a chronological young teenager, do not use this site to approach chronological adults or way older teenagers with relationship intentions.
Do not admit to past or present felonies, unless they have already been adjudicated and you clearly and immediately say so each time you mention them.
Do not post or link to images of gore. If you want to direct users to an image of gore, use a search hint; for example, you could suggest users search for "Ron Goldman dead crime scene." If it involves nudity or is sexualized, use a content warning and set the post privacy to "followers only."